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Thursday, September 9, 2010

5 Tips To Save Money On Your Averge Power Bills

Are average power bills overpriced?

In my honest opinion, yes.

I am not alone, even our government appears to be concerned about power bill prices which is why we are currently living in the age of deregulation for the utility companies.

What is deregulation?

According to Webster deregulation is the act or process of removing restrictions and regulations.

In the past we saw MaBell go through their own deregulation. Now we receive phone coverage from a variety of suppliers instead of just one.

If you know how to capitalize on deregulation we are seeing the utility companies going through the exact same process.

The question is, how exactly does a consumer or business take their average power bills that are “out-of-control” and turn them into an awesome savings plan for the future of their household and/or company?

Here are Five ways this can happen.


#1: Reduce how much energy you use

You could get crazy here by turning off your thermostat, unplugging the fridge and stopping your hot H2O {access. Many people will consider this an unacceptable extreme. Instead, consider turning off lights in rooms that no one is in, unplugging energy hogs like surge protectors and phone chargers when they are not in use and dressing according to the season that is upon you.

#2: Redirect how you are using energy.

For me this included adding proper insulation to our house as well as upgrading the windows according to energy saving recommendations. No matter if you are working in an office or a home front there are ways to keep you’re energy from simply flowing outside.

#3: Rethink how you get your energy

I’ve met some people who have reduced their average power bills by building their houses in hills. Some use new technologies like solar and wind to reduce the cost of their power bills. Such ideas may not be extremely practical for you, but if they are consider moving in that direction.

#4: Reserve your place

Opportunities to save on bills to utility companies are bound to be part of deregulation. The one I personally use requires no sign-up or cancellation fee for residential consumers, uses the exact same utility companies that people have been using all along and actually integrates a process for their users to make money if they are interested. These concepts work very nicely for me, find what works for you and go with it.

#5: Reevaluate your position often

In review to find the best savings on power find ways to reduce, redirect, rethink and reserve. In an economy like ours everyone can use a break including you, right?

After you reduce, redirect, rethink & reserve you may find other ways to save what you pay on energy bills. Be open to new ideas that make sense for your home and or business. Prepare to be empowered to control your own expenses on power bills. Be prepared to retain more profits for you. Therefore, when you follow these processes you stand the best chance of reducing expenses when ready to pay your power bill.

More power bill savings secrets stop by where you can find your own power bill success stories with average power bills. We also have an exclusive page for saving on digital cameras at calculate power where you calculate your own power to save.

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